Lyndon Abing

Coin Avalanche

Coinavalanche is a Bitcoin startup Global marketplace based in the Philippines and Zimbabwe. Prior to launching this site the Founder has been trading bitcoins since 2013 and one of the few early Bitcoin adopters in the Zimbabwe and in Africa and has done over 5000 trades Worldwide. Believe that Bitcoin will destroy the existing financial institutions like an avalanche and usher in a new era of fniancial freedom without Borders and interference from banks and Governments.


Website Designer & Developer, Monthly Maintenance & Security

Project Details
Covers the designing and development. Fully customized plugin for Selling & Buying Bitcoin through other payment methods. With user interaction with basic profile information stored in database. Retrieving and verifying of Bitcoin address if it’s existed or not. Fully hardcoded plugin from scratch. Fully responsive and ready for retina displays that looks great on every device, desktop, computers, tablets or smartphones. 

Covers the monthly maintenance & Security features. Also designed for the company Logo, company T-Shirt & business card.

December 2016 – January 2017